Carlson M. Büth

Network Scientist | Computational Physicist


Welcome! I am a PhD candidate at IFISC (CSIC-UIB) in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Originally specialized in Nonlinear Physics, Complex Systems and Quantum Field Theory, I am interested in the study of transport, especially active mobility modes, and sustainability.

As I studied both Physics and Computer Science, my methods are mostly computational. My undergrad theses were on Deep Inelastic \(e^±p\) Scattering with Boson Exchange and Interference, then Fault Injection for Robustness Testing of Satellite On-Board Image Processing (at the German Aerospace Center), and finally Analyzing the Network Effects of Computationally Generated Low Traffic Neighborhoods (at NERDS, ITU Copenhagen).

Inbetween, I interned at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management at TU Delft, The Netherlands, to gain experience in the field of active mobility and transport safety.

As of now, I am assisting with a research project at PLUS (ETH Zurich) in context of, exploring the impact of future climate scenarios on biodiversity and ecosystem services in Switzerland.

selected publications


  1. 2024_sb_joss_preprint.png
    superblockify: A Python Package for Automated Generation, Visualization, and Analysis of Potential Superblocks in Cities
    Carlson Moses Büth, Anastassia Vybornova, and Michael Szell
    Apr 2024


  1. master_LTNs.png
    From Gridlocks to Greenways: Analyzing the Network Effects of Computationally Generated Low Traffic Neighborhoods
    Carlson Moses Büth
    AG Wittkowski @ University of Münster and NERDS @ IT University of Copenhagen, Jul 2023
  2. bike_study_flow.png
    Effectiveness of Bicycle Helmets and Injury Prevention: A Systematic Review of Meta-Analyses
    Carlson Moses BüthNatalia Barbour, and Mohamed Abdel-Aty
    Scientific Reports, May 2023